Friday, August 8, 2014

Principal Survival Kit

Every Principal needs a survival kit to make it through the year.  This is the survival kit that the PPA will be presenting to Mrs. Harris before the official first day of school.

Principal Survival Kit
Animal Crackers for when your students act like they are in a zoo.
Band Aids for when things get a little rough.
A Candle to remind you to never let them see you “melt.”
Crayons to color your day bright and cheerful.
Eraser to remind you everyone makes mistakes.
Pencils to help “write” your wrongs.
Rubber bands to remind you to be “flexible.”
Smarties because that’s who you’re helping.
Tissues to wipe away the tears…yours and theirs.
Toothpicks to help you “pick” out the good qualities in others and yourself.
Peppermints to remind you that you’re “mint” to be here.

Peanut M&M’s to remind you that we’re all a little “nuts.”

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