Friday, October 12, 2012

Lunch Guest Guidelines

The following information was sent home with students this week:

Lunch Guest Guidelines

We welcome parents to eat lunch with their children. Because of the logistics of our school and the amount of time we have for feeding 737 children we are asking that the following guidelines be followed.
  • Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance with the cafeteria. To make a reservation please contact the school office at 260-1007 and ask to be transferred to the cafeteria to speak with Mrs.Tracey Mann, Cafeteria Manager. (it is best to call before the lunch rush begins, around 10:00, or before 1:00)
  • Preschool children are not permitted in the lunchroom as guests due to seating limitations and slowing down the line for students.
  • Appropriate clothing must be worn when a guest. We ask that parents follow the dress code for teachers and students. (i.e. low cut tops, short shorts, etc.)
  • No outside food may be brought in from private vendors. Any outside food must be packed in a lunch container, as though it came from home. Outside food is a State Health Department violation.
  • The purpose of being in the lunchroom is participation, not visitation. Again, limited seating makes this necessary for compliance. We wish our lunchroom was much larger!
We appreciate your understanding and co-operation. The primary purpose of the lunchroom is to feed our students in a timely manner and have enough food for all children. While we welcome participation of parents, we must adhere to these guidelines for smooth operation. If you have any questions, please feel free to call.

Elise Keith