Sunday, March 30, 2014

PPA Bylaws















________________________        ________________________

PRESIDENT                                              PRESIDENT’S SIGNATURE



________________________        ________________________

PRINCIPAL                                               PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE


Article I:   Name


The name of this organization is Dalraida Elementary School Panther Pride Association, which will be referred to as PPA.


Article II:  Purposes


The purposes of the PPA are to provide support to faculty, staff, and children at Dalraida Elementary School; to provide support and resources to the school for the benefit and educational growth of the children; to develop a cooperative working relationship between the parents and staff of our school; to develop parent leadership and build capacity for greater involvement; to foster and encourage parent participation on all levels; and to provide opportunities and training for parents to participate in school governance and decision-making.


Article III:  Basic Policies


The basic policies of the PPA are:

a.       The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.

b.      The organization or members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office; or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.

c.       The organization shall work with the school and community to provide quality education for all children and youth and shall seek to participate in the decision-making process establishing school policy, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the people to boards of education, state education, state education authorities, and local education authorities. 

d.      The organization shall work to promote the health and welfare of children and youth and shall seek to promote collaboration between parents, schools, and the community at large. 

e.       No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, directors, trustees, officers or other private individuals except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes in Article II.

f.       Upon the dissolution of this organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed Dalraida Elementary School.


Article IV:  Membership and Dues


Section 1:        Membership in the PPA shall be made available without regard to race, color, creed, or national origin to any individual who subscribes to the purposes and basic policies of the PPA.

Section 2:        This PPA shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but persons may join at any time.


Section 3:        Each member of this PPA shall pay annual dues as determined by the association.


Section 4:        When remitting dues, the membership committee shall keep a list of the PPA members whom dues are being paid. 


Article V:  Board of Directors


Section 1:        The affairs of this PPA shall be managed by the Board of Directors in the intervals between general membership meetings.


Section 2:        Each elected officer and appointed chair of the Board of Directors shall be a member of this PPA.


Section 3:        The members of the Board of Directors shall be:

a.       Elected officers:  President, Vice President, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer and Secretary

b.      Principal

c.       Teacher Representative

d.      Board Appointed Chairs


Section 4:        Board Appointed Chairs shall be: Communication Chair, Volunteer Chair, Spirit Night Chair, Room Parent/Teacher Appreciation Chair, Student Recognition Chair, Clothes Closet Chair, Fundraising Co-Chair, Popcorn Chair and additional chair positions designated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 5:        The Board of Directors shall carry out business referred to it by the membership of the association; create special committees; present a report at the general membership meetings of this PPA; select an Auditor or an Auditing Committee to audit the Treasury accounts; prepare and submit an annual budget; approve payment of routine bills within the limits of the approved budget; organize fundraising and special events; and approve the work of the committees.


Section 6:        Regular meeting of the board shall be held with the dates and times to be determined by the board of directors at its first meeting of the year.


Section 7:        Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the president or when requested by 50% vote of members with 7 days written notice to each member of the board.


Section 8:        A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Section 9:        If any member of the board ceases to meet the qualifications or fulfill the duties of the position, that person may be removed from the board by resolution adopted by the board of directors.


Section 10:      Upon expiration of term of office or when individuals cease to hold the position that entitles them to be a member of the board of directors, they shall automatically cease to be a member of the board of directors and shall be relieved of all duties and responsibilities.  All records, books and other materials pertaining to the position shall be turned over the president immediately upon expiration of term.


Article VI:  Officers


Section 1:        The officers of the PPA shall be:  President, Vice President (Membership Chair), Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer (Fundraising Chair)


Section 2:        No officer shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the same elected office. 


Section 3:        The term of office shall be June 1st through May 31st.


Section 4:        Officers shall be elected by ballot at the April General Membership Meeting.


Section 5:        The vote shall be conducted by ballot and a majority shall elect.  When there is only one candidate for any office that election may be by voice vote. 


Section 6:        Officers shall assume their official duties June 1st of the year in which they were elected and shall serve a term of 1 year or until their successors are elected. 


Section 7:        A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Vice President.  A vacancy in any office other than President shall be filled by the board of directors. 


Article VII:  Nominating Committee


Section 1:        The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher Representative and Outgoing PPA President.


Section 2:        The Nominating Committee shall nominate an eligible person for each officer position and report its nominees at the regular general membership meeting in April.


Section 3:        Nomination forms shall be sent home with PPA members child/children and posted on the PPA Blog prior to election.


Section 3:        Nomination forms must be submitted to the Nomination Committee as specified on the nomination form.


Section 4:        Only those individuals who are current members of the Board of Directors, who have given their consent to serve shall be nominated for or elected to office.


Section 5:        Eligibility for election to officer positions on the PPA:

a.       To be eligible for any officer position, a member shall be in good standing and a current member of the Board of Directors.

b.      To be eligible for the office of President, it is preferred that an individual have served as a member of the Board of Directors at least 2 years preceding nomination.

c.       To be eligible for the office of Treasurer, individual(s) must consent to a background check and (preferred) have served as a member of the Board of Directors at least 1 year preceding nomination.

d.      If there are no eligible person(s) with preferred Board service or those who are eligible do not wish to seek election, then 1 year Board service for President and background check for Treasurer is sufficient to nominate.


Article VIII:  Duties of Officers and Chairs


1.      President:        The president shall preside at all meetings of the PPA and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.  The president shall appoint chairpersons of PPA committees with the approval of the board of directors.  The president shall delegate responsibilities to other PPA members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all parent and school activities.  The president shall meet regularly with the Board of Directors in accordance with these bylaws to plan the agendas for the general membership meetings.  The president shall be one of the eligible signatories on checks.  The president shall assist with the transfer of PPA records to the incoming Board of Directors and Board Appointed Chairs.

2.      Vice President (Membership Chair):   The vice president shall assist the president and carry out the president’s duties in his/her absence or inability to serve.  The vice president shall act at the Membership Chair.  The membership chair is responsible for developing a year round membership plan that includes retention strategies as well as action steps that target and attract new members, promote and celebrate the PPA successes with members and the community, collecting and tracking membership dues, and providing membership reports.

3.      Secretary:        The secretary shall keep all records of the PPA, take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, handle correspondence, and send notices of meeting to membership.  The secretary also keeps a copy of the meeting minute’s book, bylaws, rules, membership list, and any other necessary supplies, and brings them to meetings.

4.      Treasurer:        The treasurer shall create a budget in August for each school year and will be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, receive all funds of the PPA, keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and pay out funds in accordance with the approval of the Board of Directors.  He/she will present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the Board of Directors, make a full report at the end of the year and have the account audited.

5.      Vice Treasurer (Fundraising Chair):  The vice treasurer shall assist the treasurer and carry out the treasurer’s duties in his/her absence or inability to serve.  The vice treasurer shall act as the Fundraising Chair.  The fundraising chair is responsible for developing fundraising strategy with the PPA board, create communications for general fundraising messages, provide updates to the board on fundraising progress, collecting and tracking all monies raised in fundraiser and support all the chairs with fundraising needs.

6.      Communication Chair:            Communication Chair shall ensure good communication with parents, teachers and staff, produce and distribute the bi-monthly newsletter, and update the PPA blog, send out email blasts to parents as needed and support all chairs with their information distribution needs.

7.      Volunteer Chair:         Volunteer Chair shall produce and distribute a volunteer interest form, update and maintain a volunteer database, assist all chairs with volunteer recruitment, record volunteer hours and tally the total of volunteer hours.

8.      Spirit Night Chair:      Spirit Night Chair shall work with Vice Treasurer/Fundraising Chair on coordinating all DES Spirit Night Fundraisers.  He/she shall contact and schedule Spirit Night Fundraisers with local restaurants, work with Communication Chair on producing and distributing Spirit Night information to parents, and work with Volunteer Chair on recruiting volunteers to work the Spirit Night Fundraisers.

9.      Room Parent/Teacher Appreciation Chair:     The Room Parent/Teacher Appreciation Chair shall work with the Volunteer Chair and Communication Chair and teachers to coordinate the recruitment and placement of room parents, organize all school-wide duty-free lunches and teacher appreciation week activities, update and distribute Room Parent Handbook, update and maintain the Room Parent and Teacher contact information.

10.  Fundraising Co-Chair:            Fundraising Co-Chair shall assist fundraising chair and carry out the fundraising chair’s duties in his/her absence or inability to serve.  The Fundraising Co-Chair shall act as the T-shirt coordinator.  The t-shirt coordinator shall coordinate with Volunteer Chair on forming a spirit shirt design committee and present design options to the board of directors.  T-shirt coordinator shall work with a local screen printing company on board agreed upon design, work with Communication Chair on producing and distributing shirt order forms, maintain the shirt order database and coordinate with Volunteer Chair on recruiting volunteers for shirt distribution and update board of directors on t-shirt fundraising progress, and collecting and tracking all monies raised in t-shirt fundraiser. 

11.  Popcorn Chair:            Popcorn Chair shall produce a pre-paid popcorn order form in August and in January, collect all popcorn money, maintain the popcorn order database and work with Volunteer Chair to coordinate the recruitment of popcorn volunteers, report to Secretary any and all supplies needed for popcorn and report popcorn machine maintenance to the Board.  Popcorn Chair shall update and inform popcorn volunteers of the proper popping, distributing and cleaning procedures on popcorn days. 

12.  Student Recognition Chair:    Student Recognition Chair shall coordinate with faculty and staff and volunteer chair on Rewards, Praise and Recognition for students, teachers, staff and volunteers, maintain and update the recognition supplies, and solicit donations for recognition gifts.    

13.  Clothes Closet Chair:  Clothes Closet Chair shall maintain the emergency uniforms and coordinate the solicitation of new or gently used uniforms, jacket, socks and shoes.  He/she shall work with the Volunteer Chair and Communication Chair to organize a yearly uniform drive in May.  Chair shall also obtain grade level supply list and coordinate with Treasurer to order supplies, update and distribute the emergency kits for each teacher prior to the start of school, and shall do a maintenance check on emergency kits in December during Winter Break.


Article IX:  Committees


Section 1:        The standing committees of this PPA shall be Fundraising, Membership, Communications, Popcorn, Room Parent/Teacher Appreciation, Spirit Night, Student Recognition, Volunteer, and Clothes Closet. 


Section 2:        The Board of Directors may create special committees as necessary to promote the purposes of the PPA and carry on the work of the PPA.


Section 3:        The chair of each committee shall present a strategic plan for the year to the Board of Directors.  No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the board of directors.


Article X:  General Membership Meetings


Section 1:        Regular meetings of the PPA shall be held with the dates and times determined by the board of directors at its first meeting of the year. 


Section 2:        Special meetings of this PPA may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors, at which time a seven (7) day notice shall be given.


Section 3:        25 members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Article XI:  Fiscal Year


The fiscal year of Dalraida Panther Pride Association shall be from June 1st through May 31st.


Article XII:    Finances


Section 1:        A tentative budget shall be drafted in August for each school year and approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 2:        The treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income and bank account information.


Section 3:        The Board of Directors shall approve all expenses of the organization.


Section 4:        Authorized signers for the PPA bank account shall be the president, treasurer and vice treasurer.


Section 5:        The treasurer shall prepare a financial statement at the end of the year and have the account audited.


Section 6:        Upon the dissolution of the PPA, any remaining funds shall be used to pay any outstanding bills and with the membership approval, spent for the benefit of the school.


Article XIII:   Dissolution


The PPA may dissolve with 14 days calendar notice and a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting


Article XIV:  Amendments


Section 1:        These bylaws may be amended at any regular general membership meeting of the Dalraida PPA by two- thirds vote of those members present and voting, a quorum being present, provided the proposed amendments have been approved by the board of directors and notice of the proposed amendments has been provided to the membership fifteen days prior to the meeting. 


Section 2:        A committee may be appointed by a majority vote at a general membership meeting of the PPA, or by a 2/3 vote of the board of directors of this PPA, to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws.


These bylaws as set forth above have been voted on and approved by the 2013-2014 PPA Board of Directors. 



                                                                                    PRESIDENT                          DATE



                                                                                    SECRETARY                                    DATE



                                                                                    PRINCIPAL                           DATE



FILED WITH THE PRINCIPAL ON:          __________________________________________




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